Friday, October 13, 2006

Change for the better

I am currently changing my friendster profile . My sister Abby sent me a message that I should better change my profile, which will reflect who I really am and not who I want people to think of me. She noted that I am Gods princess. I guess she told me that because I used to think that I am a true American in a Filipino body.

I know, it does sound bad and discriminating but I don’t mean it that way. I am proud to be Pinay but I just strangely love things that are of American like movies, music and books. I am not saying that things of Filipino are bad or whatever that comes into your mind. We are talented and world-class. But some people just have different tastes and happen to be opinionated.

And that include me. I am just making it all crystal clear. Alright?

So now, I have learned a lesson. Be contented and happy of who you are and what you are. I am a Filipino with a fetish for international chuvaness. [heeshees]

Now I am going to tell you what happened today.

The public and private schools in Bacolod City are annually having an inter-school competition. Our school hosted the Dancefest for this year. Dance groups from different schools compete for the pop dance category and there is also a dancesport.

So there, we watched with the entrance fee of 30 pesos. I was at first reluctant to watch because I am so kuripot and 30 pesos sounds like 300 pesos for me. But I ended up watching the thing because my sister, Andrea , will dance. So you know, sisterhood support.

It was okay. Some schools just didnt get what pop dance should really mean. There was a group that was just confused. While they were performing, I thought I was in a strip club [!!!]. Their costume was... Haay... basta, the their costume is every mans dream [bwahahaha].

I have a theory: If you are number 1 in a competition where there are more than 5 participants, chances are [so sorry] you will end up losing.

So there was 11 participants and my sisters group [which was our schools group] was number 1. So, my theory was right. They didnt bring home the bacon.

Honestly, they were all saying that the judging was unfair and blah blah blah.. Sore looser?

I dont know. No comment. Maybe one of them will read my blog. I f that happens, ill be dead.

Anyway, my post is really boring. It is so self-centered. I will try to post a nice entry tomorrow.

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