*reposted with corrections
I feel restless, exhausted, tired as a farmer in a rice field. I should be in bed, drooling. But here I am stressing my eyes in front the computer. I have been breaking my rule of not sleeping past 12 midnight for almost a week now. What do I do? * ehem * Study. Examination week has just ended. And it drained all my super powers.
I dont really get myself. I start studying around 8 in the morning but how come I always end up still cramming in the wee hours.
Its so unfair.
I sacrifice my time and build up eyebags for decent grades while people take it for granted and still get good marks. How crazy is that?
Like when I tell people …
Pulaw ko gab-i.[I slept late last night]
Ngaa haw? [why?]
Tuon e.[studying, of course.]
Ay teh. Wala ko gani tuon pero taas man score ko.[Ha! I didn’t study but I got a high score]
What an irony.
But its reality.
Now I know, truth hurts.
I dont feel any good vibes regarding the exams. I didnt follow instructions in Chemistry, was clueless in English and much much more clueless in History.
My gaawwwd, [just trying to sound stupid] teachers can be like so cruel. Like hello? I studied ka-yaaa tapos like ganun pala yung like exams. They give me like euwy wrinkles.
That is sooo not haawwtt.
Conclusion—don’t try being a nerd when you can’t live up the name.
I guess I was not born a nerd. Like whatever.
Anyways, blogger is giving me such a hard time. Screw you blogger!!! They page would download but the portion where you input your username and password could not. Like hello?? Stupidity.
Another thing, I just find Photoshop really complicated. I am not the type of person taking a million years to figure out something but I could not figure out Photoshop. Like hello?? Ignorance.
And one more thing, I am trying to make my own layout because I want to be unique. So what Im doing is ripping out blogskins from http://www.blogskins.com/. Like hello?? Cruelty.
Alright. Enough of likes and hellos. Like hello?? Immaout.
Please include in your
prayers Guimaras for it
is greatly affected by the Oil spill.
Coral reefs and sea animals are killed.
Like hello?? The works of a devil.
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