Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Guilty Confession

Haay.I am back. I was gone for quite a long time. I gave up blogging as a Lenten sacrifice.It was the least thing I could have done for all the bitchyness I did this Lent. I failed to go to mass, ate meat during Fridays and I was a jackass who was too lazy to pray. Just remembering how sinful I am makes me feel all guilty again. I felt the same way when I happened to watch a little portion of "The passion of Christ" last Good Friday. Yeah. Just a small portion of it was enough to make me realize how "un-Christian" I am.

I admit, I am one of those who are struggling to be a devout Catholic. But somehow, its pretty hard to be one. Sure, I go to massbut whenever I do, my mind travels to Neverland. I also confessmonthly but the moment I step out of the church, I return to my evil ways again. Worse, without realizing it, I end up praying selfish prayers.

Oh my golly...guilt..that is what I feel now. I have been really bad. Oh well, the best thing to do now is to move forward and try to be better. My starting point is to attend mass regularly. The rest will follow. I'll end this post with this statment:
"Everyday is a new Challenge of Transformation".

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